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December 17, 2024

Mayor Wilfredo Olivences continues

El Chamo (Wilfredo Olivences) continues with the paving plan, now in Sosúa Abajo. In doing so, he reaffirms his commitment to the development and improvement of citizens' living conditions, by continuing the ambitious paving plan in the municipality of Sosúa. On this occasion, work has begun in the Sosúa Abajo sector, benefiting hundreds of families in the area. The project, which is part of a comprehensive road modernization plan, aims not only to facilitate urban mobility but also to increase the quality of basic services in the community. The Mayor's Office of Sosúa reiterates its commitment to continue working on projects that have a positive impact on all sectors of the municipality, with transparency and visible results.
And now many are curious when the entrance to Camino Llibres street will be renovated. Within a short time, no vehicle will be able to drive through the holes that have become deeper and wider as the days pass. In addition, the drains at the entrance to the Camino Llibres are clogged and a lake of mud and stones forms on the main road every time it rains.
Mayor Wilfredo Olivences continues
Mayor Wilfredo Olivences continues

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