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November 14, 2024

It just doesn't end

The economy of the Sosúa - Cabarete region even seems to be in danger due to the enormous amounts of rain that have fallen over the past 4 weeks. According to some, it has only been dry for 4 days in the past 4 weeks. The soil is completely saturated and the rainwater drainage system in the area is still not in order.
Sosúa and Cabarete play a very important role in the economy of the north coast, so the government should think about a decent drainage system. There was a plan 10 years ago to work on that, but nothing came of it. Yesterday the weather was very bad again, flooding everywhere. At the Sea-Horse Ranch everything was flooded, at Playa Chiquita and the main street Pedro Clisante there was also a whitewater course.
Something really has to be done, and quickly.
Sea-Horse Ranch
Sea-Horse Ranch
Playa Chiquita
Playa Chiquita
Pedro Clisante
Pedro Clisante

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No Aperitivo today!

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