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November 8, 2024

Good news - Bad news

Good news - Bad news
Good news - Bad news
First the good news. Leidsa, the Dominican lottery has paid out 71 million pesos to the winner. A young lady from Sosúa. She can now enjoy a lot of money. But does life really become easy with so much money in a country where many people live in poverty? Time will tell.
The bad news. Heavy rain showers and additional flooding seem to be the order of the day. Let's hope this passes quickly and that we can enjoy the sun and beach again.

Arrival and Departure Puerto Plata

Arrival POPDeparture POP

Exchange rate

Exchange rate

I love Sosúa

I love Sosúa

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No Aperitivo today!

Swiss Italian Restaurant Parada Choco House of Music
Special Menu @ Restaurant Hispaniola Diners Club
Starlight Karaoke & DJ Mike @ Hotel Voramar
Happy Hour Menu - Restaurant Hispaniola Diners Club
Happy Hour @ Hotel Voramar

Restaurant Hispaniola Diners Club
Hotel VoramarHotel Voramar
Swiss Italian Restaurant Parada Choco House of Music
Compucentro/Copicentro Sosúa Compucentro/Copicentro Sosúa
Germany Bar & Grill
Century 21 PerdomoCentury 21 Perdomo


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