July 18, 2023
Last weekend the 'Sosúa Summer Bazar' took place in the park of the flowers (Parque Las Flores) in El Batey, Sosúa.
More than 50 local entrepreneurs from Sosúa participated in this.
At the Bazar, visitors could enjoy a wide variety of products and services ranging from handicrafts and souvenirs to clothing, food and drinks.
In addition, there were activities for the whole family and games for the children.
Sosúa Summer Bazar
Sosúa Summer Bazar
The aim of this Summer Bazar is to promote local entrepreneurship and to offer exhibition and sales space to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Sosúa.
It also aims to promote tourism in the area, as Sosúa is a destination heavily frequented by national and international tourists.
With this initiative, Sosúa wants to support the local economy and create growth opportunities for entrepreneurs in the area.
The event was a success and let's hope it becomes an annual tradition in the community of Sosúa.
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