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April 4, 2023

Traffic rules during Semana Santa

Traffic rules during Semana Santa
Traffic rules during Semana Santa
The government has announced additional traffic rules that apply during Semana Santa. These apply from Thursday 6 to Monday 10 April.
It is according to the announced measures for trucks prohibited from driving between Thursday morning 6 am and Monday morning 5 am. They are not allowed to drive, but they are also not allowed to go faster than 70 km per hour and must use the right-hand lane. How the government sees this is not entirely clear.
No more than two people on a motorcycle, both must wear helmets. It is also not allowed to transport people in the cargo box of a Pick-up truck.
Well, we are very curious to see if everyone is going to comply with these rules.

Arrival and Departure Puerto Plata

Arrival POPDeparture POP

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Exchange rate

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