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September 7, 2022

What will happen to Playa Sosúa Sosúa

Civil society organizations are anxiously awaiting what will happen to Playa Sosúa. They don't want the beach to remain in the disordered state it is in now due to private interests. This was emphasized by the journalist Daniel Mercado, General Secretary of ADOMPRETUR (Asociación Dominicana de Prensa Turística, Dominican Association of Tourist Press) of the Sosúa Cabarete Department. There is still hope that the whole city and the tourists can enjoy a clean, orderly beach again. Mercado, stated that the beach's condition continues to deteriorate from erosion due to the construction of a stone wall. Probably built by foreigners. It might be a reason to check the status of the foreigners and see if they are authorized to run a business. Another evil Mercado is targeting is the relocation of prostitution from Pedro Clisante Street to the beach, making the beach famous for its beauty practically a brothel full of prostitutes.
What will happen to Playa Sosúa Sosúa
What will happen to Playa Sosúa Sosúa
He argued that the private interests of a group occupying the area of approximately 900 linear meters of beach should not hold back the government's investment of approximately 600 million pesos to restore and renovate the greatest tourist asset of this iconic municipality. We are convinced that the time has come for Sosúa, in which the government and society agree on the implementation of the vital project for the long-awaited start in the tourist field of this municipality.

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