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May 18, 2021

Cadillac Music Café opened its doors

In the former Morua Mai Restaurant, located at the beginning of the main street Pedro Clisante, a new restaurant has now been established called: 'Cadillac Music Café'. Last Thursday evening, May 13, the establishment was opened with great interest.
Cadillac Music Café opened its doors
Cadillac Music Café opened its doors
Guests were welcomed with a welcome drink and live music by the MEGA VT duo. Many notables among the guests, including the mayor and fellow entrepreneurs. The new owners want to turn the Café into a cultural center with many live music performances and song and dance competitions. Theater companies, folk dance groups, ballet and folkloric parties will also be given a stage here. With the Cadillac Music Café, Sosúa has once again become a more interesting event center and entertainment venue for tourists.

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