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June 27, 2018

Teleférico de Santo Domingo

As everyone knows, there is a 'Teleférico' (cable car) in Puerto Plata to the top of Mount Isabel de Torres for a long time. Now there is a second Teleférico in the country, but not with a tourist character but as a public means of transport. It is an extension of the existing metro lines. The cable car connects to the last station in the east of line 2, Eduardo Brito. With four stations and a length of 5 km it takes you north via 'Los 3 Brazos' and 'Sabana Perdida' to the final station Charles de Gaulle.
Teleférico de Santo Domingo
Teleférico de Santo Domingo
Teleférico de Santo Domingo
Teleférico de Santo Domingo
The cable car has not yet been officially taken into use, but is still in a test phase. During this test phase in the month of June, free use can be made of the cable car. After June the cable car can be used at metro rates. Sosúa-News was on site to take a ride and joined in the long queue on Sunday afternoon. It is public transportation but it is also just a wonderful experience!

Arrival and Departure Puerto Plata

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Aperitivo - Dilcia & Melky @ - Swiss Italian Restaurant Parada Choco House of Music
Special Menu @ Restaurant Hispaniola Diners Club
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Swiss Italian Restaurant Parada Choco House of Music
Compucentro/Copicentro Sosúa Compucentro/Copicentro Sosúa
Germany Bar & Grill
Century 21 PerdomoCentury 21 Perdomo


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