March 10, 2015
On the 27th of February a tragic incident occurred when a sign fell on the student marching in the Independence Day Parade.
One beautiful girl, Amber Lydia, lost her life, many were injured and Charina Michelle Gonzalez (14 years) had her legs crushed.
Charina was rushed to Centro medico Bournigal where the doctors feared it was beyond their skills to save her legs;
fortunately an excellent orthopedic surgeon from HOMES hospital (Santiago) happened to be in the area and worked tirelessly for 10 hours to reconnect her tendons and arteries.
This is just the first step; once the first surgery heals they must go back in and reconnect the bones.
The legs have been saved but now the work begins to make them function again so Charina can lead a normal life.
Unfortunately the parents do not have insurance and the hospital bills are fast mounting, as of Saturday the bill was $530,000 RD.
We ask everyone to please help!
Any donation, big or small, will be appreciated.
You can donate a number of ways;
- Money can be left at Jolly Roger’s (Patty & Kelly Lacey) or EPS-Sosúa Business Services (809-571-3451), Socorro (Natividad) Gonzalez or Angie Wolff) both on Pedro Clisante in Sosúa, or at EPS-Cabarete in Plaza Ocean Dream.
- You can also go directly to the Bournigal Clinic and ask to make a payment on Carina Michelle Gonalez's bill Monies donated at Jolly Roger and EPS-Sosúa Business Services will be applied to the hospital bill as well.
- Web: www.gofundme.com/nol5ek
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