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December 31, 2013

Martha of Plan B celebrated her birthday

Martha, the 'gerente' of the popular bar Plan B celebrated last Saturday December 28th her birthday. From everywhere her loyal customers showed up to congratulate 'our' Martha. Of course Martha received a lot of nice gifts from all of her customers. Especially a lot of perfume. But she treated them in return with a complimentary dish of roast and baked potatoes. A glass of white wine was not lacking.
Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday
The 'Happy Birthday to you' was loudly sung several times, mostly by loyal guests from La Mulata. Martha was glowing with pride and walked around visibly very pleased with all of this well-deserved attention. Later in the evening the traditional birthday cake was cut. It was a mocha cake and it tasted delicious. Martha may, so say the loyal visitors from La Mulata, celebrate her birthday every month.
Martha's birthday Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday Martha's birthday
Martha's birthday Martha's birthday

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Happy Hour @ Hotel Voramar

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