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November 7, 2013

ADSS Association appoints new chairman

On Friday October 25 there was a meeting in the restaurant Infiniti Blu of the Association for the sustainable development of Sosúa (ADSS). The first item on the agenda was the appointment of a new chairman, which was Mabel Andreiny.
Mabel Andreiny
Mabel Andreiny
Mabel is a journalist working for magazine 'Plus Magazine' and the associated TV program 'Plus Tv' in Puerto Plata. Mr. Juan Perdomo (real estate entrepreneur) introduced the new chairwoman and praised her abilities and her tremendous commitment. The board members, Sepehrdad Sadeghi (Infiniti Blu) and Thomas Callender gave an overview of the activities which, initiated by ADSS, have been realized. Lorenzo Sancassani, Director for Tourism on the north coast, finally summed up the problems which Sosúa and Cabarete have to deal with and where solutions have to be found for. He expressed the expectation that with the efforts of ADSS, tourism will be more attractive for Sosúa and Cabarete.
Source and picture: Félix Corona

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