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April 3, 2010

Philanthropist honoured by Sosúa Online

The digital magazine Sosúa Online has decided to honour a silent philanthropist. Elio Madonia and his wife first came to this country 20 years ago, on a 14-day vacation.
Elio Madonia
Elio Madonia
They were so upset by the poverty that many families had to live in that they decided to stay here. Over the years they built 900 homes in the Maranata area. This created new communities that were named Villa Acension, Villa Betani, Villa Esperanza, Villa Emanuel, Villa Maranatha, Villa Nazareth and Villa Reencion. The couple also built 10 churches, 4 medical clinics and various sports facilities.
The Madonia family is very religious, and are members of the evangelical community of Samaritans. Over the past 20 years they have received many donations from other followers in the USA and Canada, which they used to build new homes and churches. The editors of Sosúa Online feel that this family should be honoured for all their good works, preferably with a medal and an honorary citizenship of Sosúa.
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